

Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly popular as a way for brands to connect with consumers and reach their target market. But what are the different types of influencer marketing, and how can brands choose the right one for their needs? Why Influencer Marketing is Important Influencer marketing is becoming an increasingly important way for brands...
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Videos for Your Social Media Marketing
Why Use Videos for Your Social Media Marketing? Gone are those days when text content was the king in social media marketing. People’s attention span is reducing and to keep your audience hooked to your brand, visual content has become essential. Images and videos are the key, with the latter winning the internet. Videos, specifically...
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digital marketing company in kerala| social media
Social media over the years has become an inevitable part of our lives. Something that was started for leisure has now evolved into a major marketing place. With over 3 billion people having their presence on various social media platforms, businesses find it easier to reach out to them through social media. This has saved...
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digital marketing company in kerala u-tube rank
Video is the most effective tool to communicate online at present. With gripping content and interesting video making, you could communicate anything and everything to your target audience. The best platform so far for video content undoubtedly is YouTube. Compatible features and popularity make YouTube the right place to share your video content. For a...
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digital marketing company in kerala |seo 2021
Google is forever evolving, so is its search engine optimization techniques. Each year, the search engine comes with changes and it is important to keep oneself updated to stay in sync. Here are some of the SEO techniques that would bring better traffic and results in 2021 to your website. Improve your site’s User Experience...
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digital marketing company in kerala
After what the world faced in the year 2020 during the pandemic was hit, everyone wants to stand out when it comes to digital marketing in 2021. And obviously, we all know that we live in a technology-driven world where marketing is now moving at a very fast pace and the behaviours and interests of...
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digital marketing company in kerala
Why digital marketing is getting popular during the pandemic? The pandemic has changed a plethora of things orbiting our daily life. Be it our food habits, the way we work, or even our daily routine too. Advertisements are no exception. The billboards and banners we used to see during our daily commute have been rendered...
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digital marketing company in kerala
In the world of Social media marketing, Facebook is regarded as the biggest name with a staggering 2.7 active monthly users as of the 2nd quarter of 2020. That is a giant lead over Instagram’s 1 billion active userbases over the same period. Quite obviously Facebook is the best Social media marketing platform, right? Or...
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digital marketing company in kerala
14 Tips to grow your YouTube channel fast in 2020, Today more people are obsessed with growing on YouTube than ever. Everyone wants to have a fair share of success on YouTube. Some dream of it, some take action towards it, but most of them quit it halfway through. Some people become overnight sensations while...
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digital marketing company in kerala | people card
What is Google’s newly launched “People cards”? Let’s create your first people cards!What if I say that you can make your way into the Google search results with your image and details? Seems crazy right? Well, Google’s newly launched “People Card” is the answer to your prayers. This newly announced feature allows users to add...
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