
How to Build Your Brand with Instagram Marketing: Dos & Don’ts

In recent times, we have seen a paradigm shift in the marketing method of businesses. The global pandemic forced all companies to shift their focus from conventional marketing to new-generation marketing. We all know digital marketing have taken over the world and social media marketing is an imperative part of it. Many businesses have still not found a way to excel in digital marketing, and some might not know the use of Instagram for marketing. Thus, in this post, we will discuss some dos and don’ts of digital marketing. This article will help you to flourish your business by building your brand digitally.

  1. Fake followers are a big no.

Buying fake followers is not a big deal for anyone. You can easily purchase false followers with some extra bucks. Instagram algorithms are getting smart every day, and it is difficult to deceive the algorithm, especially with fake followers. 

Buying fake followers is the first mistake a business makes in Instagram Marketing. They think followers are paramount, but engagement is. When you buy fake followers, they are bots and dummies, which ruin your engagement ratio.

For example, you have 1,000 followers, and 100 of them like your content, which is 10%. Now, you got 9,000 fake followers, and they all are dummies, which keeps the number of likes intact (100). With this, your ratio stands at 1% vis a vis 10% without buying fake followers.

Having poor engagement content is a big drawback for social media marketing, as Instagram does not promote your content further to a new audience. It also does not let you grow and build your brand digitally.

  1. Quality content is paramount.

Nowadays, everybody accesses Instagram to post anything they want, but not every piece of content gets promoted by the algorithms. Posting high-quality content is crucial for thriving on the platform. Every content element should be optimized meticulously, like audio, visuals, hashtags, and many more. You can see some exemplary content to build one for your brand. The more enriched your content is, the more it engages the user. Because quality content engages the audience, and engagement is paramount if you use Instagram for marketing

  1. The art of using Hashtags

Using hashtags helps your brand to reach the target audience. So, ensure your post has all the hashtags related to your brand. Following are some categories of hashtags that you can use in your content.

  • Branded or camping hashtags

You must have seen many prominent brands use their brand name or slogans in hashtags. Just like them, you can also use your brand slogan in hashtags. Running a campaign like other brands can also help you to reach numerous audiences. To make your brand campaign successful, use related hashtags in your post.

  • Location Hashtags

If your target customers are your local audience, then using location hashtags can benefit you and gain some customers. For example, if you run a bakery and are trying to build its social presence to acquire customers, using location hashtags can do wonders for your brand.

  • Event Hashtags

If a significant or auspicious event like Diwali or Independence Day is around the corner, you can use related hashtags for your post.

  • Viral hashtags

You can check the most trending hashtags to include them in your post. It will increase your chances of reaching a vast number of users. It is because many people are searching for the hashtag. Optimizing a post with proper and genuine hashtags is a crucial aspect of social media marketingSo, use it properly to make the most out of it.

  1. Consistency is key.

Posting one post each week will never fulfill your purpose of building a brand through Instagram MarketingYou should be more consistent with your posting. Otherwise, despite having everything to build a brand, you cannot do it.

The best way to become more consistent is to have a calendar or schedule your post in advance. Scheduling your content in advance will ensure you never miss your consistency in posting. Consistency will make your user as well as algorithm happy. If these two are happy, nothing can stop you from building a successful brand through Instagram.

  1. Interact with your audience

Interacting with your audience is the key to retaining your customers. Using Instagram for marketing gives you different ways to interact with your audience. Never ignore the comment section of your post. Reply to the genuine queries of the customers and take all constructive criticism politely. You can post some polls through Instagram stories or ask your customers for feedback on the services and products and what they would like to make the product better.

Building a digital brand is not rocket science, with proper guidance and consistency, you can achieve your desired number of authentic followers. So, keep working with sheer discipline and focus on making your brand’s online presence.

End Thoughts

These were some authentic and fruitful tips to build your brand through Instagram MarketingIf you follow all these tips authentically, gaining genuine followers is imminent. Sometimes, you might not get the result soon, but do not get disheartened. Keep working with discipline, and sooner or later, you will see the result. 

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